Marlom Portillo

Popular Education Curriculum Coordinator, NDLON (National Day Laborer Organizing Network)

Marlom Portillo

Popular Education Curriculum Coordinator, NDLON (National Day Laborer Organizing Network)


Marlom has focused on popular education, educating and organizing communities to defend their health rights and that of health workers, health and safety, popular communication, theater of the oppressed workshops, and creating and implementing curriculum for leadership development. Since 1999, Marlom has engaged with community health workers and promoters. She joined Visión y Compromiso in 2005 in different capacities and structures.  For 12 years, she has also been on the general and curriculum advisory committee of the Institute of Promotores, which was launched in 2020. In 2012 for her tireless determination to ensure safe working conditions and access to health care for immigrant workers, Portillo was named one of 10 winners of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Community Health Leaders Award. Marlom is currently working on creating curricul using popular education for Leadership Development  for the National Day Laborer Network (NDLON).

All session by Marlom Portillo