2024 Workshops

All times are Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
OCT 4 Session A
OCT 4 Session B
OCT 5 Session C
OCT 5 Session D

Connect IE: Community Resources at Your Fingertips

This workshop will provide information about a free, easy-to-use community resource directory. This tool can help promotoras improve outcomes for people who need assistance and optimize resource sharing. Identify and...
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Sergio Rodríguez
Alejandro Espinoza

Let’s Learn About Palliative Care

In this workshop, participants will learn to identify palliative care and how it can improve the quality of life for people living with serious illnesses as well as provide immense...
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Olivia Tigre Nerimora

Cultivating Emotional Resilience*

In this workshop, participants will learn how to cultivate emotional resilience by integrating the holistic practice of meditation to strengthen personal and professional well-being, allowing promotoras to offer better support...
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María de los Ángeles Garduño López

First Steps to Manage Early Vision Loss

This workshop will present practical strategies to support individuals facing vision loss such as effective medication management, activities of daily living, and access to resources leading to empowerment and improved...
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Marianela Moran
Priscilla Rogers

How to Effectively Provide Resources and Education on Blood Cancer Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques

In this workshop, participants will learn about different types of blood cancers, how to identify the most common symptoms, and the steps to take if you suspect someone has blood...
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Alfredo Martínez
Lupe Dominguez
Charoh Ortiz

The Kidneys and Their Three Enemies

In this workshop, participants will learn about how excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and fat can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and...
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Franco Reyna

A Holistic Approach to Health*

This workshop will provide necessary knowledge to practice holistic health care in different areas: health systems, programs, the community, families, and individuals.  Identify the new public health model where the...
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Hector Balcazar

Environmental Causes of Childhood Cancer

In this workshop, participants will develop effective communication skills to inform communities about childhood cancer risk factors related to the environment and how to prevent them. Different educational techniques will...
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Emilio Saenz
Erica Guerrero

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

This workshop will describe the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and find out how to recognize the signs in yourself and others. Particpatns will also hear from people who...
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Linda Loera

The Importance of Health Knowledge in Aging with Dignity

In this workshop through dialogue, participants will identify how to develop and implement effective strategies to improve knowledge of senior health concerns, recognizing the barriers and challenges they face. Understand...
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Russell A. Bennett

The Autism Spectrum: Understanding and Possibilities

In this workshop participants will learn about the autism spectrum, including detection, interventions, and impact in order to empathetically share information and promote a better understanding in the community. Recognize...
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Henry Saray

Health for Latinos in the Pursuit of Equity in End-of-Life Care

This workshop will address the lack of discussion about death and provide culturally appropriate information to empower Latinos to make informed decisions and exercise their end-of-life rights. Our goal is...
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María D. Otero

Personality and Its Influence on Community Work from a Holistic Approach

This workshop will address what personality is and obtain basic tools to address the personality of the promotora and the personality of another person in any context. Understanding personality as...
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Henry Saray

The Transformative Power of Art: Resilience, Expression, Transformation and Healing

This workshop explores art therapy and how to express and manage your emotions through painting and music, facilitating personal growth. Increase awareness about the power of art as a therapeutic...
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Ramon Gerardo Cadavid Hernandez

Cafecitos as a Community Education Strategy to Prevent Drug Use

In this workshop participants will learn how to organize and implement community cafecitos to address issues related to the increase in substance use among youth, providing a safe space for...
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Delia Cruz
Dámaris Caro
Alicia Yepez

Self-Love and Cultural Identity

This workshop will use interactive activities to explore how to promote self-love by incorporating cultural practices and creating a safe and inclusive environment with music and artisanal elements that honor...
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Leticia Galicia
Teresa Santos

A Comprehensive Guide for Promotoras to Maximize Medi-Cal Dental Benefits

In this workshop participants will learn about Medi-Cal Dental benefits and finding a dentist and other resources. We will also present the relevance of oral health in children’s academic achievement....
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Jose Morales
Salvador Cruz
Maria Mazur

Empowering the Latino Community to Fight Breast Cancer

This workshop presents the educational initiative of the American Cancer Society (ACS) focused on breast cancer in the Latino community. Tools and resources will be provided covering breast cancer risk...
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Brenda Zapata McDermott
Ilda Zepeda

Learn About the VITA Program and How It Can Help You Process an ITIN Number

In this workshop, participants will learn how to obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), tax credits, and a W4 form. VITA Program resources will be shared to support the...
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Andrea Chavez

How to Reduce Your Family’s Carbon Footprint

In this workshop, participants will learn how to help families minimize their carbon footprint and conserve natural resources through daily changes and proper waste management. Learn sustainable strategies for families...
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Omar Torres Franco

Sowing Habits, Reaping Success*

In this workshop, participants will learn how daily habits can motivate you to positively transform your life and inspire your community to promote healthy practices for a positive and sustainable...
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Ana Laura Martínez Rodríguez
Guillermina Montiel Almaz

Bioethical Training for Promotoras for End-of-life Support

In this workshop we will present the Con Amor y Dignidad project, made up of promotoras who have established themselves as professional agents in community health care through continuous training...
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Karla Armas

Imagine You Workshop: Four Tools to Build Your Mental Well-being*

When we are in crisis or in pain, when we don’t have our basic needs met, or we are feeling overwhelmed with all that we have to do for our...
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Crisarlin Vasquez-Carrasquillo
Claudia Leiva

Where We Are Going: A Vision of Economic Justice by and for Promotoras

In this workshop we will delve into a visionary approach to economic justice and a powerful movement by and for promotoras. Our current economic system deeply impacts promotoras and our...
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Guadalupe Pérez

Virtual and In-Person Popular Education Materials

This workshop covers the interactive platform: “Virtual and In-Person Popular Education Materials” allowing participants to explore materials and reflect on their design and learn how to create popular education codes....
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Laura Alfaro López
Marlom Portillo

Tai Chi: Harmony in Motion

In this workshop, participants will explore the ancient art of Tai Chi for personal and professional well-being. This workshop delves into the benefits of Tai Chi, including stress management and...
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Mwezo Kudumu

Present Meditation, A Lifestyle

In this workshop, participants will learn more deeply about present meditation and how to make its practice a lifestyle. By engaging in daily practices, we have appropriate tools to cultivate...
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Miriam Hernández

Bailoterapia (Dance Therapy)

This workshop will be an experiential, active, and dynamic Bailoterapia (Dance Therapy) Circle that will generate new physical skills and emotional health. Sportswear is suggested. Learn how Dance Therapy Circles...
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Maricela Sanchez

Biodance: Wake Up, Dance, and Transform

In this workshop, participants will explore their emotions and immerse themselves in an experience where biodanza, lights, and music blend to awaken creativity and authentic expression. Through dynamic exercises, we...
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Giovanny Choque Ladino

Skillful Interrupting: A Courageous Approach to Redirecting Conversations with Clients

In this workshop, participants will learn a nuanced, compassionate, and culturally sensitive way to redirect a community member who is traumatized, overwhelmed, anxious, or having difficulty staying on topic in...
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Crisarlin Vasquez-Carrasquillo
Claudia Leiva

Sorrow, Grief, and Dealing With Loss

This workshop will address the multiple factors that impact how a person adapts to loss. The various ways a person experiences grief depends on the mourner’s personality and their relationship...
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Alma García

When Hurt People, Hurt People: A Strategic Approach to Effectively Serve Our Community

In this workshop, participants will learn about the concepts of the social determinants of health, the social and family structure, and the benefits of cultural empowerment. We will also explore...
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Lirian Rodriguez
Susana Medina

Facing Adversity With Love

This workshop will explore the process of cultivating a resilient and loving mindset in the face of adversity. Participants will learn how self-love, compassion, and empathy can be powerful tools...
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Yiuvany Aguilar Onofre

Cancer Literacy

In this workshop, participants will learn cancer prevention and testing curriculum content from City of Hope’s Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program which widely disseminates cancer screening and healthy living...
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Brenda Gascon
Verónica Tejada

Smile! Let’s Learn About Dental Health and How It Affects Our Physical and Emotional Health

In this workshop, through the use of visual images, objects, models, and diagrams, participants will learn interactively about the importance of caring for teeth, oral tissues, and organs, as well...
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Julissa McIver

Building Youth Confidence Through Positive Body Language*

In this workshop, participants will explore the impact of their language, attitudes, and behaviors on young people’s perceptions of food, exercise, and body image. The workshop will provide valuable resources...
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Alejandra Alonso
Faviola Mercado
Mónica Lopez-Lara

Chemicals Out! Exploring Natural Methods to Control Pests

This workshop will present alternatives for eliminating household pests that do not involve toxic chemicals, the short- and long-term health impacts of pesticides, and how to use, store, and dispose...
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Nancy Villaseñor

Empowering Promotoras: A Journey into Small Business and Entrepreneurship

This interactive session is designed to empower promotoras by providing them with fundamental knowledge and essential skills to begin their entrepreneurial journey. Whether they already have a business idea or...
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Bradley Chargualaf
Franzene Minott
Mihai Patru

Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for Promotoras, Education, and Future Careers*

In this workshop, participants will learn about the history and concepts related to artificial intelligence and the practical tools and educational policies that are being developed. We will explore our...
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Tania Maguina

Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities 

This workshop will review key aspects of the Lanterman Act and how to enforce these rights. The Disability Rights California workshop focuses on advocating for and promoting the rights of...
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Vianey Prado
Rachelly Escobar
Blaz Gutierrez

A Cancer-Free Future for Our Kids: The Role of HPV Awareness and Vaccination 

This workshop addresses the importance of the HPV vaccine for our children, reducing the rate of cancer in our community, and the impact cancer has on the lives of women...
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Maritza Gomez
Lourdes Barajas