Bioethical Training for Promotoras for End-of-life Support

04 Oct 2024
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Bioethical Training for Promotoras for End-of-life Support

In this workshop we will present the Con Amor y Dignidad project, made up of promotoras who have established themselves as professional agents in community health care through continuous training on topics related to diseases in serious or terminal stages and mental health and emotional well-being with a holistic approach. Their work includes supporting family caregivers to achieve their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being through sharing resources and support related to health services, financial counseling, support groups, and more, so they can connect to program partners as well as government programs. The project’s one purpose is to lovingly welcome caregivers and people receiving care to live through grief and dignify death.

  • Learn abilities, skills and attitudes for promotoras to develop true holistic training to comprehensively benefit families facing the illness of a loved one.
  • Promote “warm transfer” as a good practice in navigating and promoting resources for vulnerable families.
  • Learn the positive impact of continuously gaining scientific knowledge as part of your professional and ethical development.