The Hands of Time: Until the Good Is Better and the Better Is Best

05 Oct 2018
3:45 pm-5:45 pm

The Hands of Time: Until the Good Is Better and the Better Is Best

This workshop will enable promotores to identify and manage everyday tools that we have at hand such as watches, agendas, notebooks, and maps, as well as to recognize the vital importance of setting clear objectives and priorities. While at the same time, if those tools are not handy to have the flexibility to improvise and be creative to avoid stress helping others and themselves.


  1. Strengthen and develop skills to manage their daily professional and personal responsibilities on time.
  2. Learn how to set priorities in order to better manage the resources we have at hand.
  3. Analyze the external factors in managing unfavorable circumstances, as well as the bio-psych-social-cultural elements that exist at work and during activities.