Where We Are Going: A Vision of Economic Justice by and for Promotoras

04 Oct 2024
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Where We Are Going: A Vision of Economic Justice by and for Promotoras

In this workshop we will delve into a visionary approach to economic justice and a powerful movement by and for promotoras. Our current economic system deeply impacts promotoras and our communities. Together we will question how things are, imagine how they can be different, and learn examples of steps to get there. We will share our vision for economic justice and discover how we can each contribute to this collective fight for economic liberation.

  • Question the way the current economy is structured and identify how it impacts promotoras and our communities.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of our vision for economic justice and identify why economic justice is important to the collective well-being of our communities.
  • Learn inspiring examples and strategic steps toward economic justice and identify actions to contribute to the fight for economic liberation in our communities.