Liza Serna

Regional Manager, Visión y Compromiso

Liza Serna

Regional Manager, Visión y Compromiso


Liza Marie Serna grew up in Medellin, Colombia and has been living in California for over 17 years. She studied Social Communication at the Luis Amigó University in Medellín. Liza has been supporting the community for more than 12 years, where she has contributed to different organizations, putting her heart into each activity, benefiting mainly women. She has been a community promoter ever since at the Instituto Para La Mujer.  For three consecutive years she has facilitated ceremonies for the Women’s Festival 2017-2019. A Promoter in the Organization of the Caminos de Santa Ana Foundation, CA. She was a Secretary for the Region of Orange County Visión Compromiso Network of Promotoras . She was a Facilitator of Virtual Talks (Family your valued) of the Visión and Commitment Organization for Orange County and Riverside. She is a Member of the Visión y Compromiso Organization’s Program Subcommittee. She is the current Vice President of the Human Trafficking Survivors Foundation. She served as the Lead Peer Crisis Counselor on CalHOPE’s Estamos Juntos Project and Visión and Commitment, and is now the Inland Empire Regional Manager with the San Bernardino/Riverside and Coachella Committees.

All session by Liza Serna