Sheila Ivett Aguilar Narvaez

Parkinson’s Promotora Ambassador

Sheila Ivett Aguilar Narvaez

Parkinson’s Promotora Ambassador


Sheila Ivett Aguilar Narvaez is from Nicaragua and at the age of 42 she was diagnosed with early Parkinson’s. Through the Give for Smile organization, she was trained as a Parkinson’s Promotora Ambassador. And thanks to the support of Give for Smile, she managed to hold the first meeting on Parkinson’s in Nicaragua. Now, as a promotora, she wants to continue using all that training and experience to continue holding Parkinson’s gatherings. She wants to be remembered not as “the one who had Parkinson’s,” but as a resilient, cheerful and happy woman.

All session by Sheila Ivett Aguilar Narvaez